
最好的方法是檢查程式是否能允許您選擇關閉您不感興趣的程式功能,透過右鍵點擊系統工作列圖示或程式中的「選項」或「設定」選單。如果程式沒有這個設定功能,那麼你就必須 ...,2011年11月26日—下載連結:*此下載連結是NetBalancer4.7.4最新 ...,NetBalancerisaninternettrafficcontrolandmonitoringtooldesignedforMicrosoftWi...

NetBalancer (SeriousBit.NetBalancer.Tray.exe) 啟動程式項目

最好的方法是檢查程式是否能允許您選擇關閉您不感興趣的程式功能,透過右鍵點擊系統工作列圖示或程式中的「選項」或「設定」選單。如果程式沒有這個設定功能,那麼你就必須 ...

【情報】NetBalancer Free電腦網路流量管制程式(可以使陸版 ...

2011年11月26日 — 下載連結: *此下載連結是NetBalancer 4.7.4 最新 ...

Download NetBalancer Setup

NetBalancer is an internet traffic control and monitoring tool designed for Microsoft Windows 7, 8 and 10 (and their server variants) with native x64 support.

NetBalancer Home

NetBalancer is a Windows application for local network traffic control and monitoring. Browse and do any internet activity comfortably on your PC even when your ...


NetBalancer is an internet traffic control and monitoring tool designed for Microsoft Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8 with native x64 support. With NetBalancer ...

SeriousBit.NetBalancer.Service.exe Windows process

SeriousBit.NetBalancer.Service.exe is an executable file that is part of the NetBalancer software developed by SeriousBit. This file is typically located in ...

NetBalancer by SeriousBit

NetBalancer is a software program developed by SeriousBit. It adds registry entry for the current user which will allow the program to automatically start each ...

NetBalancer : 軟體王2024

2023年2月10日 — NetBalancer 是一個網路流量控制軟體。有時, ... 未註冊的版本僅用作監視應用程序,不支援任何優先級或規則。 From SeriousBit website.